Tuesday, 2 June 2009

The Wonder of Net

Well well well...

Now here's a thing. Let me tell you a little story. I was on the train this morning and I was about to start a new character, Haramakion, in the place of Ronin. Mostly because the two of them have started to interact so I need to get Haramakion to the same point. It was a last minute decision, (as seen in my boo if you follow me on Twitter), and I realised that I had no idea when, how or where I had left him last time.

So I tweeted and booed to that effect before logging on to my Google docs to see if I had put anything on there. Indeed I had and although I didn't have all my typed up documents, I did have a plotlist. So I downloaded it onto my iphone and read it through and preceded to start doing some writing. It was in fact a slight rewrite but there you have it.

I am beginning to understand what people mean about Cloud computing. As a tool to help me write my book, I also use Evernote. During the day, if I have any notes, I write them in my iphone and they automatically update when I get home. This then syncs with my laptop so I have everything I need, when and where I need it.

Tonight I have downloaded and started to use DocList Uploader and I will put everything on Google Docs as a back up.

It's amazing how much data I can have flowing through the ether. I hope that I won't be disappointed by it all.



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