Monday, 8 June 2009


This is an update, hence the title; 'Update'.

I have been writing inconsistently most notable due to problems in the Parisien public transport system but I am getting along quite well. I have been playing sillies with the chapter construction too, cutting some out that I thought erroneous and blending others. As yet I haven't added any new chapters into the plan but I'm fairly sure that I will put one in later on in the story of Haramakion.

As noted I am writing about Haramakion at the moment. He is a human and a King, the King of the country of Prathin on the planet of Humanisan. Humanisan is one of the older human worlds and the original settlers wanted to show that this was a human only system and a safe haven from other problems. Humanisan was settled not long after the destruction of the human colonies of San Hedrin. The name shows this. Humanisan is literally 'Human system' as San Hedrin is the system of Hedrin. Humanisan is however only the name of the planet. The system in which it resides is called San Lhaw and is very cosmopolitan.

Haramakion is I think the oldest of all the major characters but by how much and why, I'm never sure. I imagine that he would be played but someone like Derek Jacobi.


1 comment:

  1. Hey hey ! I hope the comment will work this time.

    I'm impressed because you seem to write a lot for your book and you write a lot on your blog as well.
    Do you keep "secrets" that we will discover reading your book ?

    Bonne continuation !


    ps : my eyes thak you for changing the background of your blog ;-)
