Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Three Fingers.

Well hello everybody.

I haven't been updating my blog as you may have noticed but that is because I have been unable to type for the last four weeks. At least not able to type enough for a blog. For those who are interested, I dislocated my knuckles on the middle and ring finger of my left hand. I also dislocated the first joint and the knuckle of my forefinger on my left hand. They are now free again to wiggle in all their glory.

However this only explains my delays in updating you with what is going on. This is not to say I haven't been writing. I have, of course. I have been flittering between two characters, namely Dravis and Malakan, and I have finished enough chapters for me to have to start to refer to my notes again.

I find that in the process of writing the characters take on a life of their own. For example Malakan started out as a well meaning character, a little cold perhaps but a good chap. Certainly a man you'd let your daughter date. Dravis was not his antithesis but a man for whom his morals were clear cut. Dravis makes ruthless decisions based on his own particular way of thinking. Nice enough to talk to in a bar but never someone you would call a friend.

However cold Malakan was at the start, he's definitely colder now. Bordering on frigid. Dravis on the other hand is starting to look like more rounded, a generous type with a taste for good cooking. Of the two characters, Dravis seems the much friendlier at the moment.

I wonder if subconsciously I have written it like this as a juxtaposition to their actions. To place the genial character of Dravis against his actions will maybe make them all the more chilling.

I hope so but as the soft spot continues to grow, somehow, I hope not too.



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