Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The Year in Numbers

I suppose that I could give this blog post any number of numbers, Only one really matters and that number is...    ...some. It is the amount that I have written this year, It really isn't enough but I have had a hectic year in which many many many things have changed. Far too many to mention in a blog post. The upside of this is that I now have a dedicated writing space in my house. Now all I need to do is write in it.

Other numbers of note.

One - The number of times that I have blogged this year, the very entry that you are reading.

Four - The number of colossal life altering changes that happened to me during three weeks in February.

Fifteen thousand - The approximate number of clementines that I have eaten over this Christmas period.

Fifteen thousand - The exact number of glasses of whisky that I have drunk over the same Christmas period.

Four - Number of chapters that i have left to write in one particular story line, exactly the same as this time last year.

Sometimes trying to be a writer sucks.