Monday, 2 January 2012


It has happened.

I have got my mojo back.

Even though the words were flowing last year, I've never really felt that my writing was good. It has always been a case of write and then hopefully redraft into something worth reading. I realise now, with about half an hour's hindsight that I have been kidding myself to an extent.

I'll give you an analogy; It's been like walking around whilst kicking yourself every other step. You know that you're doing something wrong but you're not sure how to stop it. Even though it is excruciating, you keep going because you know that just ahead is the destination. Yes, it hurts but you'll get there in the end. Suddenly, on my way home, I realised that it's be a lot less painful if I stopped kicking myself. I started walking properly and lo! I wrote and it was good.

I am writing this blog post in a fevered state of excitement. It's like nothing that I can describe. A real sense of dreaming whilst lucid. I really don't have the words to describe this sensation without having the time to craft my words but my God, it feels so so good.

Today is a good day.


PS. I make no apologies for anything wrong or incoherent in this post. I'm on an editorial high...