Wednesday, 30 December 2009


First of all, let me wish you all a happy Christmas if you celebrate it and a happy new year if you are celebrating that. If not, I simply wish you happiness. I have had some wonderful opportunities to do some writing of late and you will be please to know that I have not squandered them. However if anyone sees my pen, I'd be grateful. Currently I'm being forced to write with an ordinary bic and quite frankly I loathe them. I do have some extremely wonderful pens but I only write with them on holiday. The risk of losing them on public transport is too great. Anyhow, I suppose I should go and buy myself a new pen. No great task, I know. The reason I haven't is because I have been organising various notes into a more organised system. It is my great weakness. I have great ideas, write them down and then forget to integrate them. Anyone wishing to be a personal assistant and willing to work for free, please get in touch.

So note organising has been the order of the day. Again, no great task you would think. Well here below I give you a sample of some of the things that I have in my notes.

Run Moz - Run Moz is one of five systems in the Dumru controlled Num conglomeration in the Foraku Sector. It has five planets, the fourth of which has three inhabited moons. The planets are: Mozdin, No'uxdar, Aheldin, Farduhak and Nom'far. The moons of Farduhak are: Lukud, Or'ork and Han'amark.

Mozdin translates as 'fire hook', probably due to it's close proximity to it's star. A small outpost beneath the surface is the only civilization to be found. TH Class
No'uxdar tanslates as 'black earth', it has a particularly carbon rich atmosphere with almost zero visibility on the surface. OS Class
Aheldin translates as 'warm world', it is highly populated and is the principle planet in Run Moz. MK Class
Farduhak translates as 'big mental give', the origins of this name are lost but the story of the three moons are not. Farduhak is a gas giant and has no habitation. CO Class

Lukud is not a translation but is the name of one of three brother who apparently discovered the Run Moz system. The three moons of Farduhak are named after them
Or'ork is not a translation but is the name of one of three brother who apparently discovered the Run Moz system. The three moons of Farduhak are named after them
Han'amark is not a translation but is the name of one of three brother who apparently discovered the Run Moz system. The three moons of Farduhak are named after them

All three moons have scientific outposts used to observe Farduhak but otherwise are largely uninhabited. They are rocky with no atmosphere. ZL Class

Nom'far translates as 'grow', like Farduhak the reasons behind this names can be speculated on but not given conclusively. It is planet with a large amount of ice covering a rocky core. BS Class

I think I'll go and buy a pen.

Happiness one and all.